Asgardia Projects Database
The Asgardia Projects Database is a list of all Asgardia-related projects and their meta data. It is intended to contain the following info per Project:
- name;
- APCI identification of the Project;
- relevant Ministry;
- current contact person (name, e-mail, telephone,..);
- current project leader (name, e-mail, telephone,..);
- current status, in one or a few words, like “in ideas phase”, “active”, “finished”, “paused” or “abandoned”;
- short description;
- goal(s);
- reference to the Project Proposal;
- date and version of the Project Proposal;
- approval status of the Project Proposal Request: awaiting, positive, negative;
- date of approval outcome;
- date of start of Project;
- last date of activities (or “ongoing”);
- reference to the Project Plan, including:
- overview;
- resources needed, initially, later and recurring:
- financial/budget, contracts, cost mgt, funding strategy, reporting;
- human resources:
- involved Asgardians, with their role, when relevant;
- involved non-Asgardians in the Project Proposal (idem);
including recruitment, use of volunteers, performance evaluation, workforce planning, employee wellbeing
- IT resources, infrastructure management, technical management;
- other resources;
- timelines / GANTT chart, including scope and phases;
- relationship with other organizations and projects, including dependencies:
- involved Asgardia organizations (like Parliamentary Committees, Ministries and Institutes), with their role, when relevant;
- involved non-Asgardia organizations in the Project Proposal (idem);
- other support needed;
for all of these: initially, later and recurring;
- communication, collaboration, meetings;
- reference to the Business Case (including Return on Investment);
- risk management, (data and cyber) security, safety and privacy aspects;
- other project aspects:
- documentation;
- development;
- testing;
- running/exploitation;
- monitoring;
- quality control;
- maintenance;
- issues & changes;
- close down / decommissioning;
- Knowledge Management including Intellectual Property Management, innovation, training and development;
- location of documentation set;
- additional comments.
APCI is currently being built, so the current Asgardia Projects Database only contains a limited amount of projects and a limited amount of data per project.
We would like to ask for some patience... Thank you!