
The definition of the APCI organization includes the definition and implementation of roles and responsibilities and it includes a number of committees within APCI, including ones for:

Since APCI is currently starting up, most activities of the above committees are performed by a small "APCI Steering Committee", consisting of three Asgardian Ministers and three Asgardian Members of Parliament. This Steering Committee also coordinates APCI itself. It is envisioned that (part of) this Steering Committee will eventually be converted into the APCI management, once all committees mentioned above properly staffed.

Using and running APCI should be easy, efficient and cost-effective in resources and money. APCI should be professional and agile and it will be modified through time, since it is always good to learn and improve.

ACQia, the Institute of Asgardia for the Assurance of Compliance and Quality, which is independent from APCI, is responsible for performing checks and audits against APMF.